Susan deCaussin, Mike deCaussin, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Siwa Murti, Reiki, Reflexology, Spiritual Guidance
Susan deCaussin, Reiki & Readings, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Psychic, Medium, Writer, Inspired Speaker
Living In the Moment
Live in the moment. Surrender yourself. Just be.
Let go of all thoughts of the past... Release all concerns about the future. Simply breathe.
Open all of your senses and live in each moment as it happens. No judgement.
Know that you can make each moment exactly what you want it to be. Allow that thought to empower and uplift your soul.
Be filled with gratitude for the power that lies within you to create and manifest all that you have, and desire to have, in your life.
The past cannot be changed ... the future is not yet revealed. Place your thoughts on the blessings in your life at this moment. Like placing seeds in a garden, know that those thoughts will manifest more blessings, and let your heart leap with joy with that news. Practice this daily and each day you'll come closer to living fully in every moment.
June 24, 2015
If you have an event or group that could benefit from an uplifting message,
please click HERE and send me some details, so we can connect.
I am available to speak to crowds of all sizes on a variety of inspiring topics.
Healing Methods ®
Susan deCaussin, CHt & Mike deCaussin